Below is a list of guidelines for you to follow when your child is ill. These are the guidelines that Sidway School recommends. If the child shows any of the following signs of illness, please keep your child at home.
Allow plenty of time or recuperation from childhood illnesses. Often a quiet rest at home is more appropriate than a full day of activity at school. Children who have been ill tend to tire easily and may not fully be able to participate in the days work. A child should be able to participate in outside activities or he/she should not come to school that day. If we all work together, we will be able to provide a healthy environment for the children, parents and teachers. SCHOOL EXCLUSION PERIODS FOR COMMON COMMUNICABLE DISEASES The following minimum school exclusion periods for personnel and pupils are based on requirements and recommendations of the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Department of Education.
Please keep your child at home until you check with your physician whenever your child appears seriously ill. REPORT ALL COMMUNICABLE DISEASES TO YOUR PARENT LEADER!!!